
All output of Global Sites goes into the dest folder. Since those are all static files, you can deploy to any host that allows static sites. I have used Cloudflare Pages for many of my projects. It works very well for up to 20,000 pages in my experience.

The Core project is a private repository that cannot be accessed by default everywhere. You can add a GitHub personal access token to the .gitmodules file to gain access. Create a GitHub personal access token:

  • Go to GitHub > Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens
  • Click "Generate new token" (classic)
  • Give it a descriptive name, e.g., "Cloudflare Build Access"
  • Set an expiration date (or choose "No expiration" if needed)
  • Select scopes: at a minimum, check the All repositories option. I also change these permissions to read only: Actions, Commit Statuses, Contents, Metadata.
  • Click "Generate token" and copy the token immediately.
Add the token to Cloudflare:
  • In your Cloudflare Pages project, go to Settings > Environment variables
  • Add a new variable named GITHUB_PAT (or any name you prefer) I usually add the same one to both production and preview (if you use preview).
  • Paste the personal access token as the value
  • Update your .gitmodules file: Change the submodule URLs to use HTTPS with the token:
bash - .gitmodules
[submodule "path/to/submodule"]
      path = path/to/submodule
      url = https://${GITHUB_PAT}